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*If you are interested on creating a new group of Tantra yoga in your town, please contact with Dr. Isidro Sánchez calling to +34 686917550 or +34 91 579 49 35. By E-mail: isidro@tantramistico.com

Dr. Isidro Sánchez founded “Escuela de Tantra Místico” because of patients’ interest in finding out and resolving the root cause of their illnesses. The school’s practical vision of Tantra Health, “Love as medicine”, was soon developed.

The result came fast. After only a single weekend course, the illnesses improved significantly in 50% of the cases. Furthermore, after connecting with their freedom and sincerity, the patients’ physical appearance improved so evident in their serenity faces and bright smiles.

Helps us live lovingly and intelligently, as we really are, creating a balance in our relationships with others and awakening our capacity to meditate in order to transcend and unite with our state of being.

It is the path to TRUE LOVE, full of creativity, pleasure, enjoyment, play, joy, tenderness, respect and meditation. It also teaches, in a very beautiful way, how to activate the sexual energy we are born with and how to convert it into a sacred state of love, beyond our ordinary senses. It allows the unconditional love to be born in our hearts and in the transcendental consciousness in our being. It teaches us how to live and enjoy a new kind of life, based on Conscious Love.

Helps us feel balanced are our breathing, body movements, the way we see our life and our emotional life, through being consciousness of our state of relaxation, the understandings of yoga, mantras, tantric meditations and others special practices.

It helps us awake our sexual energy, teaching how to channel it to balance our health, activating and guiding the kundalini energy through the chakras until it awakes our hearts and connects us with the spiritual plane, beyond ordinary intellectual consciousness.

If you want to find out who you really are, to get centered and to learn to accept yourself, to relate in a healthy and happy way with your partner, family, and colleagues in all aspects of your life, I invite you to continue reading. In the following pages you will see that others have started connecting with their real being and how they are now free to choose how they are going to live their present and their future lives.

WELCOME… to this website of respect, liberty, acceptation, true love and spiritual awareness.
Dr. Isidro Sánchez.

Isidro Sánchez has been on the path of meditation and spiritual growth for over 30 years. He has traveled around the world, observing life through the mind’s eye and the heart’s innocence and seeking transcendental truth. This has led him to connect with many teachers, from pure shamanism to Tibetan Tantrics, and transformed his life into the Tantric path.

The school Dr. Sánchez founded in Madrid, “Escuela de Tantra místico”, currently offers his wisdom and evolution to all clinic patients and those who choose to participate in the meditation courses, in Spain or abroad, by integrating his holistic medical aspects with his tantric knowledge.

Dr. Sánchez’s tantric path. For more information, please click on Tantric Path (su Camino Tántrico)

Founder of the “Escuela de Tantra Místico” in Spain.
Certified Instructor Advanced Tantra Yoga by the Source School of Tantra, Maui (Hawaii), USA.
Trained with Margot Anand, Premartha and Svarup, Vereesh, Daniel Odier, Osho Ashram, Komal, Yogini Bakker and Parvathi.

Dr. Sánchez’s medical path. For more information, please click on the Medical Path ( su Camino Médico)

The University of Complutense, Madrid
• Medical degree with Summa Cum Laude («with highest honor»)
• Specialty in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
• Doctorate in Medicine

In Addition:
• Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the TCM University, Beijing, China
• Diplôme de Fin d’Etude Homeopathia (Homeopathy degree) from l’Association de L’homéopathie Postuniversitaires de Genève – Geneva, Switzerland
• Psychosomatic Medicine of the Spanish Association of Psychosomatic Medicine and Medical Psychology.

Other medical studies
Korean Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Medical Sophrology, Osteopathy, Neuraltherapy, Oxygen and Ozone Therapy, Alchemy…